/I’m not going to write some sappy shit about how the world is billions of years old, humans have only inhabited it for a few thousand years, and how we only have maybe 100 years on this earth. But in fact we do, and are we truly doing what we want in those hundred years? Working and going to school, learning some useful and even more pointless crap we probably would never use. I’m pretty sure, unless we are all rocket scientists or architects, we will never need calculus. I’m not saying don't go to school. By all means it might be the path to your dreams. So you’re curious where I am going with this right? My point is life is short, so follow your dreams. Make sure nothing is in your way from true happiness. Do you like where you live? Your job? Your friends? Your car? YOURSELF?
We have all heard of the term "YOLO". I had a good job, majoring in Biology and planned to go to med school. I lived in a good home, a nice city, with good people and amazing friends. I was perfectly rooted and set. But I was not happy. In fact I was miserable, I felt like I still had a huge void no matter how many friends I had, how much money I made, or how many clothes I could buy, it still was never enough. Going to school gave me something to do, but I had no motivation to pay attention. With everything set, I still felt lost. Happiness isn’t about money, friends, or your career. Of course those things do have a big impact on your happiness. Happiness comes from within, naturally. If you aren’t happy, it does weigh on you. It makes you less motivated to carry out your daily tasks. I wasn't motivated to pay attention in class, even when I went to work and smiled, people could still see right through me. It’s like my energy, even with a fake persona, still carried out that negative energy. When your happy that energy radiates through your daily tasks and others around you.
What I am saying is, if you aren’t happy, MOVE. Change isn’t the end of the world.
I had a lot going, and moved to Colorado. Have you heard the song lyrics, “I started from the bottom now I’m here”? OF course you have, well I was there and then had to start from the bottom. The saying “sometimes it gets harder before it gets better” is basically true. I now have no money but a fun job (for now), 2 friends (one is my dog), and I dropped out of school. But being here in the mountains has let me release a deep breath and relax. Being able to do all the outdoor activities I have grown up doing, I can do WHENEVER I want!! My soul is at peace and my mind is clear and happy, and I am motivated.
If you are not happy, make the move. IF we only get this opportunity of living for a hundred years, why would you waste it? Just because everyone else is doing what everyone else is, doesn't mean you should follow that order. You are here for you, whatever it may be, you are here for a reason. Even if you are not sure what it is. Exploring this world will give you answers.
Moving was one of the hardest things I have done so far, but I knew in my heart I was doing the right thing. I promise you it was the best decision of my life. The dark blanket that hovered over me has disappeared. Waking up feeling happy, fresh, and excited is an amazing feeling. Don't let anything hold you down. If your not doing what you want, change it and stop wasting your time. TIME is valuable and short. OK, so it might have been a little sappy. JUST GO out and YOLO, be the best YOU, that you can be.