Breastfeeding With Implants
/So, this is a more personal post and it’s not very long, but I did want to bring up the not so very talked about topic but I’m sure woman are curious so I decided to write about it. I always wondered if I would be able to breastfeed after I had implants.
I was too young to get silicone, so mine are saline (basically sacks filled with salt water-like solution). I chose to get them under the muscle to increase my chance of being able to breastfeed if I ever chose to have children. I also chose to have the incision through my armpit, so less obstruction to my breast tissues and to hide the scar. Because I’m very active I didn't choose to get giant ones, I got 320cc, a little smaller than the norm, but I didn't want them to be uncomfortable when exercising. Recovery was a breeze and I had no complications other than loss of feeling that only lasted a year. Then everything went back to normal.
Now that I am breastfeeding my breasts are way too big, which is really uncomfortable. So that would be a con, haha. The only bras that fit and are comfortable are sports bras that are a size bigger (Hanes cotton brand, @olligraybras, and some wrap style bras I found on amazon). Besides that, breastfeeding was relatively easy and I had no issues. Having breast implants haven’t caused any issues with being able to breastfeed. If you are thinking of getting them before having children and nursing somethings to consider is what size you are going to get them, where the incision is going to be made and if you plan to get the implant under or over the muscle.
Getting them under the muscle is the best and safest option (in my opinion). Having the incision through the armpit also hides the scar which is what I wanted. Now days you can get implants under or over the muscle, and can even have areolar reduction and this should not affect your ability to breast feed if you have a good surgeon.
If considering breast augmentation definitely talk to your surgeon to discuss the best decision for you because everyone is different. For those interested, I hope this helps. I follow the surgeon Dr. Cat Begovic (@beautybydrcat), she posts a lot of informational videos of her performing surgery (some may find graphic). She didn't do my breast augmentation but I found her on Instagram and she is the best in my opinion for getting good information on this, plus you get to see the surgeries actually be performed which is really cool to see!